Monday, June 08, 2009


Well, this is such a sad affair
I've opened up my heart so many times
But now it's closed

Oh my dear
Every salted tear
It wrings
Bitter-sweet applause

But when the show's in full swing
Every once in awhile
High stepping chorus lines
Mean I'm forgetting Mein lullaby - liebchen

How rich in contrast Love can be
Sometimes I'm quite amused
To see it twist and turn
To taste both sweet and dry
These vintage years
Lovers you consume, my friend
As others their wine

Nein - das ist nicht Das ende der Welt Gestrandet an Leben und Kunst Und das spiel geht weiter Wie man weiss Noch viele 'schoum'....wiedersehen

And now, as you turn to leave
You try to force a smile
As if to compensate
Then you break down and cry

The Venus in Furs

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life on earth

Build your coffin of balsa wood
Spend all that you earn
When you go you are gone for good
Never to return
Always to thine own self be true
Not to fools like me
Who'll change their minds
For the sake of rhyming schemes
Au revoir joi, bonjour tristesse
Only pain and sorrow
So don't rely on the stars above
Screw the universe
You'd better try to live your life on earth
So au revoir joi, bonjour tristesse
Good times come and they go
This life owes nobody happiness
Only pain and sorrow
So don't rely on the stars above
Screw the universe
You'd better try to live your life on earth
I'm gonna try to live my life on earth

The Divine Comedy

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Amor em frases soltas

existes e com um destino
porque desde que te dei a rosa pequenina
ou melhor
quando tropecei de ternura por ti
caí em ti para sempre

continuo, cada vez mais, a querer ser pequenino e entrar no teu corpo feito amante minguante
abraçar o teu coração e ver o mundo como tu o vês
nunca me tinha abraçado a alguém
para largar lagrimas na tua pele para que ela as absorva
quero-te toda
tu e o teu corpo que me deixa sempre com tanta vontade de beijar
e me cria o problema de não conseguir parar

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And I want to travel with her
And I want to travel blind
And I know that I can trust her
For she's touched her perfect body with my mind.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Esperei por ti quando mais me amaste
e quero continuar à espera quando mais me detestas
por acreditar na verdade do meu amor eterno por ti.
Porto ou Lisboa? Estou pronto a partir
para esperar viver contigo até ao fim.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Kuru Field of Justice

"I see them here assembled, ready to fight, seeking to please the King’s sinful son by waging war." And thus addressed by Arjuna, Krishna brought that splendid chariot to a halt between the two armies. In front of Bhisma and Drona and all the rulers of the world, he said, "Behold Arjuna, these kinsmen assembled here." And the Prince marked on each hand relatives and friends in both armies. Seeing them, all his kinsmen, thus arrayed, Arjuna was filled with deep compassion and turned to Krishna.
My very being is oppressed with compassion’s harmful taint. With mind perplexed concerning right and wrong I ask you which is the better course? Tell me and let your words be definite and clear, I am your pupil and put all my trust in you. So teach me.
Be wise in matters of death and duty. See in this war presented by pure chance a door to paradise. For sure is death to all that’s born, sure is birth to all that dies and for this, you have no cause to grieve. Likewise, recognize this war as prescribed by duty. Hold pleasure and pain, profit and loss, victory and defeat to be the same: then brace yourself ready for the fight. So will you bring no evil on yourself.
To him thus in compassion plunged, to him desponding, Krishna spoke these words: "Whence comes this faintness on you now at this crisis hour? This ill beseems a noble, wins a heavenly state, but brings dishonour, Arjuna. Give up this vile faint heartedness. Stand up, chastiser of your foes!"
Hold pleasure and pain, profit and loss, victory and defeat to be the same: then brace yourself ready for the fight. So will you bring no evil on yourself.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ternura, por toda a minha vida

Ah meu bem amado
Quero fazer de um juramento uma canção
Eu prometo, por toda a minha vida
Ser somente tua e amar-te como nunca
Ninguém jamais amou, ninguém
Ah meu bem amado
Estrela pura, aparecida
Eu te amo e te proclamo
O meu amor, o meu amor
Maior que tudo quanto existe

Tom Jobim